National Repeat Day | June 3
Sat Jun 3rd

National Repeat Day

National Repeat Day, which was observed on June 3rd, could be a chance for some and a bad omen for others. Making this holiday memorable, whether it's repeating a foot massage or a day with a dear friend. Repeating a root canal or Hurricane Katrina are not recommended for this day.


Repeating some of the day's simple tasks is another way to celebrate. Wash the dishes twice. Make the same dish for lunch as you do for supper. Watch the same movie twice. The 1993 film Groundhog Day comes to mind. Send duplicate text messages.

Have a wonderful day! Have a wonderful day!

How to celebrate national repeat day is the subject of a national repeat day

What kind of activities do you find yourself repeating throughout the day? Are there terms you say or do? Is there anything you say or do? All day long, some of us retrace our steps. Others, who identify with others, follow the same movements. Is there a tradition that you repeat at this time of year? Here are some other ways to commemorate the day: Here are some other suggestions for celebrating the day.

  • Say "thank you" twice rather than once per time rather than repeatedly
  • Wrap the same gift twice to make it twice
  • In the second phone call, call your mother twice and tell her the same things.
  • Repeat your children's names until they respond to you
  • Proofread your emails twice. (But only send them once) (But only send them once)
  • Play your favorite song two times and sing along both times as well
  • This Repeating Circles coloring page is available to download and print this Repeating Circles coloring page. Well, even do it twice

To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalRepeatDay.

Have you ever done something that is worth repeating? How about something you never want to repeat again? 7 Things Worth Repeating and 7 Things Not Worth Repeating are two lists we'll both want to read. Is your "things" on the lists?

History of national repeat day celebrations has spanned decades

The source of this duplicating holiday is still researching the origins of this duplicating holiday.