National Weed Your Garden Day | June 13
Tue Jun 13th

National Weed Your Garden Day

Every year, National Weed Your Garden Day, as a reminder to all gardeners that weeding their gardens takes an extra 5 or ten minutes.


Keeping track of your garden is one of the best gardening tips. Weeds grow quickly, very fast, unfortunately. They will soon become overwhelming as a result of inattention.. Giving your garden daily makes it easier to maintain. Weeding 5 to 10 minutes a day will make the job seem manageable. It may even be enjoyable. This way you will be in charge, and the weeds will not!

The plants that are growing properly and be healthy will be ladening with excessive and unwanted weeds that will crowd out plant roots and take the nutrients that are needed for them to grow properly and be healthy. Providing hints on weed control in your garden is helpful.

  • Mulch can be used to cover the soil along rows and between plants
  • Make sure to keep all weeds away from young plants
  • Plant your plants closely together to reduce weed growth, leaving less space for weed growth
  • Before planting, have the soil be weed-free
  • Do not let any of the weeds go to seed. Make sure you do not allow any of the weeds to go to seed
  • To minimize weed invasion into your yard and garden, keep the edges of your yard mowed short

Your garden day will be spent with a national weed garden

If you're celebrating today, take time to weed your garden. You can also celebrate by: In addition,, you can celebrate by:

  • To minimize weed growth, the weeds will be reduced by regular weeding
  • Weeding after a good rainfall but the soil is soft makes it easier to clean by the roots
  • To make the work run more like a celebration, weeding your garden with a friend
  • As you admire your weed-free garden, enjoy yourself with a tall glass of something iced and refreshing

To post on social media, use the hashtag #NationalWeedYourGardenDay.