International Bath Day | June 14
Wed Jun 14th

International Bath Day

Fill up a lovely bath for your children on June 14th, International Bath Day. Realize that bath time is a great time to explore and learn. They will quickly begin to test the waves of their water lab with just a few bath toys or simple plastic cups. With recent bath time findings, watch and see how every child turns into a little scientist.


How to celebrate international bath day in a variety of ways..

Make bath time fun and full of discovery! While still having FUN in the tub, children can learn the basic characteristics of physics such as empty versus full, floating, sinking, weight, and cause and effect.

  • Add cups of various sizes are available
  • Include floating toys in the tub
  • Use spinners and tubes to spark experimentation

On social media, use the hashtag #InternationalBathDay to post.

History of an international bath day has dominated international bath day history

Legend has it that Greek mathematician, scientist, and scholar, Archimedes discovered while bathing in water that an object's volume could be accurately measured by being submerged in water on this day. ''s true volume can be determined by being submerged in water! "Eureka, Euka!" Archimedes burst out of the bathtub and yelled, "Eureka, Euka!" as he walked through Syracuse, Greece, Greece's streets. Archimedes' birthdate is uncertain. No one knows the exact date of his birth. We do know he was born in the year 287BC, but we do know he was born in the year 287BC. We celebrate Archimedes' birthday by a leapt out of the bathtub on June 14th.

How was this date established? It was exactly one week before the start of summer, according to the ancient Greek legend. In those days, the Greeks followed an astronomical calendar, and they estimated the seasons based on the Earth's rotational axis' tilt in relation to its orbit around the sun's 23.5 degrees. On June 21st, the Summer began (then and today) on June 21st. This was the week leading up to June 14th, and this was the date set.

June 14th is the 14th anniversary of the june 14th in the United States' most prestigious event in history


To shield the Northern colonies from British troops, the Second Continental Congress established a Continental Army of existing militias (some of which still exist today) to shield the Northern colonies from British troops.


The first United States Flag is unveiled in Congress. Since its inception, the Stars and Stripes has been updated 26 times. The last design became official on August 21, 1959, with the admission of Hawaii to the union.


For the first time, James Whitcomb Riley's poem "Long About Knee-Deep in June" is published in the Indianapolis Journal. For the first time, the Indianapolis Journal publishes James Whitcomb Riley's poem "Long About Knee-Deep in June." To celebrate the mid-point of June, we've included an excerpt.


Captain John Alcock and Lieutenant Arthur Whitten Brown launched the first non-stop transatlantic flight. They departed from St. Johns, Newfoundland, and rode 1,890 miles in 16 hours, 27 minutes, and arrived in Clifden, Ireland, the next day.


In reaction to the anti-Communist movement sweeping the country during the Cold War, Congress added the word "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance on Flag Day in 1954.

June 14th is the 14th anniversary of the nation's 14th national birthdays

The 1811 harriet beecher stowe stowe

Harriet Beecher Stowe is best known for her book Uncle Tom's Cabin, a prolific writer and advocate. Stowe debating current events and ensuring financial support for her family through lecturing, writing, and speaking engagements.

Ida maclean – 1877

The British biochemist became the first woman admitted to the London Chemical Society in 1920.

Fred baur – 1918

As a uniform way to stack the chips, the American chemist invented the Pringles can as a uniform way to stack the chips. Per the inventor's wishes, his family buried his ashes in a Pringles can upon his death in 2008.'

Donald trump – 1946

From 2017-2021, American businessmen served as the 45th President of the United States from 2017 to 2021.