World Refugee Day - June 20
Tue Jun 20th

World Refugee Day


The date is June 20 on World Refugee Day.. The day is dedicated to raising global awareness of the refugee crisis.

Refugees who have left his or her homeland and country due to "a well-founded fear of persecution," according to the United Nations' definition of "a well-founded fear of persecution due to his/her ethnicity, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

According to the World Economic Forum, one out of every 113 people on the planet is now a migrant. Around the world, one person is displaced every three seconds, and persecution is pushed from their homes by war, war, and persecution.

People have been relocated within their own country, with 40.3 million being people displaced within their own country.

People have migrated to another country, with 22.5 million being people who have left for another country.

According to the UN Refugee Agency, the most important sources of refugees are Syria, Afghanistan, and Sudan.

Look for online and offline campaigns being carried out around the country to help the refugees and to attract the world's attention to their conditions.

#WorldRefugeeDay is a hashtag used on social media to raise concerns and request for assistance and assistance.


The United Nations decided that June 20, 2001, the first annual World Refugee Day, would be commemorated on December 4, 2000.