Wed Jun 21st

National Selfie Day

The self-portrait that wouldn't exist without them is recognized by social media and the smartphone on June 21st; it's National Selfie Day! We're encouraged to take creative (appropriate) selfies and post them on social media.


Although the act of snapping a selfie predates social media, smartphones, and the Oxford Dictionary itself, the popularity of taking these self-portraits continues to rise. And taking them gets more convenient all the time.. These kinds of photographs, as well as group selfies (aka groupies), are all too convenient to take these kinds of photographs as well as group selfies (aka groupies).

Selfies have become so common that the most common forms of selfies are earning names for themselves. The majority of them are about capturing a moment in time, while others simply capture a glimpse. They are still called "selfies" after all. They usually feature a single individual, and that's the person taking the picture.'s Nevertheless, not all of them are about the photographer. We've compiled a few of them that are worth checking out.

Duck face selfie

The subject sticks out their lips almost as if planning an exaggerated kiss, but it turns into a duckbill instead. Hence, the duck face.

Car selfies

One's car's seat is full of channels with videocasts located from the seat of one's seat. They're informative, useful, political, and amusing. So, it shouldn't surprise us that car selfies are a thing.

Bathroom selfies

Where does our best look? Where do we start? We look our best in the bathroom before the wind and strain of life hit us.

Pet selfies

Who do we love the most among our life partners, and what do we love the most? Our dogs. Our cats, dogs, lizards, parrots, and many more animals are taken in selfies.

Bestie selfie

Our besties will have a lot in common with our dogs for our affection. It depends on the individual. We take a lot of selfies with our besties, right?

Foodie selfies

Why do we have selfies with food? We're sure that it's so beautifully presented or it's our first time trying an exotic dish, and we want to capture the event. Foodie selfies are a thing, regardless of the reason.

Glamour selfie

Sometimes we look really, really good, other than the bathroom selfie. Good hair day. The makeup is flawless, and you're set to impress.. For those of us, the opportunity will not come around again if you weren't fully dressed up to take a selfie (or did you?). It's best to have some proof.

Gym selfie

Sometimes a gym selfie is all we want to see progress, especially because we're looking our best. It also gives our friends the opportunity to say, "I haven't seen a gym selfie lately," says our friend. Is your slacking?" Is it slacking?"

Celebrity selfie

You'll stop and ask for a selfie if you find yourself on the train, in a coffee shop, or just on the street and see your favorite musician, writer, or television celebrity. These popular little selfies are making the rounds.

Travel selfies

The Eiffel Tower in Eiffel Tower. The Grand Canyon or the Hollywood sign. The Broadway lights are on full throttle.. Selfies in front of these majestic locations add to a traveler's set. They're similar to postcards to yourself.

Baby selfies

Baby selfies make us look good, whether they're with your children, grandchildren, or other people's children. We can't help but smile. We can easily place them in front of our bad spots. And they just enhance our overall character.

Tattoo selfie

Getting some ink is a big decision. Anytime you're getting it or later is part of the process, taking a selfie whether you're getting it or not is part of the process.

How to plan national selfie day

Take selfies of you and your loved ones and family. Share your most favorite selfies from your travels or from group gatherings. Even if you're not a natural at taking selfies, we've got you covered with 7 Selfie-Taking Tips. To post on social media, use #NationalSelfieDay to post..

History of national selfie day has spanned generations

In 2014, DJ Rick McNeely founded National Selfie Day.