International Women in Engineering Day - June
Fri Jun 23rd

International Women In Engineering Day

International Women in Engineering Day, the yearly celebration of Women in Engineering, highlights a career that continues to develop. Engineering is a branch of engineering, and the discipline fills up many occupations.

Engineering specialties are needed in several fields, including electronics engineering. Architectural, aerospace, marine, electrical, and computer engineering are just a few of the many career paths in architectural, aerospace, marine, electrical, and computer engineering. However, engineering expertise is lacking in several other domains. Every year, demand is increasing, as well. Despite that, women account for only half of these roles. According to the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics, only under 13% of the engineers in the United States are women. Australia's figures are similar, as well. However, the number in the United Kingdom drops to 9%, although in the United Kingdom, the number falls to 9%.

Campaigns around the world highlight the urgent need for more women in the engineering industry. Not only does it encourage women to enter engineering fields, but it emphasizes the need for a diverse workforce. Engineers in the workplace are also commemorated on this day. They are specifically qualified to encourage more women to enter the field as role models.

#womeninengineeringday is the most common observation in #womeninengineeringday

Many others want to work in engineering, and women in engineering lead the way for many others to join the workforce. Embrace your experiences in the engineering field and inspire other women to pursue a career in engineering. The day is not just a women's day, but it also serves as a learning opportunity. Take part in #WomenInEngineeringDay to gain more information for yourself or share your experience with others.

  • Learn about women who paved the way for today's women engineers
  • Emily Warren Roebling – investigate her contributions to the Brooklyn Bridge's design and construction
  • Olive Dennis – Her pursuit of an engineering degree led her to her work with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Learn about her triumph! Learn more about her!
  • Thelma Estrin – Estrin – Estrin – Estrin – Estrin earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering after World War II, and later her interest in biomedical engineering grew
  • Ellen Ochoa – Her distinguished career has taken her many paths, including becoming an explorer! In 1990, this electrical engineer became the first Hispanic woman in space
  • You should honor a woman engineer you know
  • As an employer, recruit qualified female engineers and listen to what they have to say
  • Engineers, for example, are among the engineering careers on display at career fairs to learn more about S.T.E.M. careers
  • In S.T.E.M. curricula, educators and support girls
  • A Women in Engineering Day event is sponsored by a sponsor... has tools and information for users

Use #WomenInEngineeringDay to post your events and news on social media.

International women in engineering day history have made history by introducing international women in engineering day..

In 2014, the Women's Engineering Society in the United Kingdom launched National Women in Engineering Day, marking the Women in Engineering Day. The observance grew to a global event over the years, and in 2017, the day became international.


  • The new Population Survey "Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey" is a survey that shows "Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey." The Bureau of Labor and Statistics in the United States has published a survey by the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics
  • Australia, Detailed and Quarterly, Aug 2018." "Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly, Aug 2018." Statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra Bureau of Statistics
  • "9 Percent is Not Enough" is the campaign's slogan. 9 percent is not Enough" is not Enough
  • "About INWED" says the narrator. The International Women in Engineering Day is the International Women in Engineering Day, according to the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO, the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO
  • Dr. Ellen Ochoa, a NASA Astronaut, is "NASA Astronaut Dr. Ellen Ochoa." NASA, National Aeronautics, and Space Administrations, along with NASA, National Aeronautics, and Space Administration, are among the NASA, National Aeronautics, and Space Administrations that have been active in space and space administrations
  • Dennis: Trailblazer" says the trailblazer. "Olivia Dennis: Trailblazer." Engineer Girl, Engineer Girl, Engineer Girl, Engineer Girl