Global Belly Laugh Day - January 24
Tue Jan 24th

Global Belly Laugh Day

Global Belly Laugh Day, on January 24th, honors laughter's wonderful gift. It's also a day to experience the positive benefits of smiling and joking.

Have you ever laughed out loudly without restraint? Have you ever laughed out loudly without restraint? If so, you had what's described as a belly laugh.' This kind of joking comes from deep inside. In the 1920s, the term "belly laugh" was coined. When laughing loudly, it refers to a moving belly.

  • Bell laughs can be described in several ways, including:: Other ways to describe a belly laugh include::
  • A loud yellp that can't be controlled
  • A sudden burst of laughter..
  • A laugh that is both loud and hearty
  • A heavy laugh

People often find that a good belly laugh makes them feel relaxed. Why is this? Why is it? The organs are stimulated by laughter for one reason. A belly laugh doesn't just stimulate the stomach, but it doesn't just stimulate the stomach. This kind of laughter also stimulates the heart and lungs.

Laughter also raises endorphins, which are the body's "feel-good hormones." In addition, a good belly laugh improves circulation and loosens the muscles. So if you're feeling blue, it'll be fun to watch a funny movie or listen to a comedian.

Laughing with others is also helpful in terms of strengthening family relationships. If you are with a group of people, you will find that laughter is contagious. Some people can't help but join in and laugh, too, when one laughs.

How to celebrate #globalbellylaughday, according to the author

With the numbers 1 and 24, the symbol for this day is a smiling sun with 7 rays and dimples.. This represents the belief that laughter and sunshine will change our days 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. People on all seven continents are encouraged to laugh at 1:24 p.m. local time on January 24th. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • Watch a funny movie or video
  • Go to a comedy club or listen to a comedian
  • Get together with others and take turns making comedic jokes
  • Have a contest to see who has the best belly laughs

#GlobalBellyLaughDay on social media. Share this jolly day on social media with #GlobalBellyLaughDay..

History has told of a global belly laugh day

Elaine Helle founded Global Belly Laugh Day in 2005. Elaine is a registered laughter yoga instructor. She is a certified laughter yoga instructor. She believes that the gift of laughter is something worth celebrating.