International Beaver Day - April 7
Fri Apr 7th

International Beaver Day


You can gnaw on International Beaver Day on April 7. If you want to mark the day, you should use wood... Dorothy Richards, the Beaver Woman, was honored on her birthday on April 7 in honor of the Beaver Woman. ersprite Sanctuary in New York's Adirondack Mountains for fifty years, Dorothy Richards studied beavers at Beaversprite Sanctuary.

According to wildlife historians, there were as many as 60 million beavers in North America in the early 1800s. Their fur and their musk became highly sought after, so they were trapped to near extinction. Beavers in North America now have an estimated 6-million beavers.

  • Beavers were once considered fish by the Catholic Church, who also classified them as fish
  • The beaver is Canada's national symbol
  • Beaver pairs are monogamous, and they live together for multiple breeding seasons
  • North American beavers prefer aspen and poplar bark (inner) bark, but will also be able to obtain birch, maple, willow, alder, black cherry, red oak, beech, ash, hornbeam, and occasionally pine and spruce
  • Beaver dams were built to shield predators such as coyotes, wolves, and bears from predators like coyotes, wolves, and bears, as well as providing convenient access to food during winter
  • Beavers can always work at night and are prolific designers, lugging mud and stones between their teeth and teeth, and being a prolific builder, dragging mud and stones with their fore-paws and timber between their teeth

How to observe

  • On Wikipedia, read the article about beavers. Wikipedia has the following beavers
  • Dorothy Richards' book Beaversprite: My Years Building an Animal Sanctuary
  • Beaver pond is just a walk away from a beaver pond
  • display in a public library
  • Attend a program about this aquatic engineering creature

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Mrs. Richards' life as a naturalist and educator is influenced by other wildlife enthusiasts, botanists, and scientists. So, in 2008, Beavers: Wetlands & Wildlife's Board of Directors, the group's founder, chose April 7 for International Beaver Day. ing with Beavers" DVD on the first International Beaver Day, the organization released and distributed one-thousand copies of a limited "Teacher's Edition" of the "Coexisting with Beavers" DVD on the first International Beaver Day.

More than 100,000 people attended her house, where two beaver families lived in a row. Beaversprite, My Years Building an Animal Sanctuary As part of her lifelong effort to educate the public about this critically endangered yet shy species, she wrote Beaversprite, My Years Building an Animal Sanctuary.

After her death in 1985 to continue her educational pursuits, Dorothy Richards' "Beaver Woman" Dorothy Richards' nonprofit Friends of Beaversprite founded Friends of Beaversprite.