International Left Handers Day | August 13
Sun Aug 13th

International Left Handers Day

All those people who have mastered using their left hand in a right-handed world will be honored on August 13th. We handcuff our hats to you, left-handed!


About 10% of the population are southpaws. Scientists have no idea why a person develops left-handedness. However, it's more likely that a child will be left-handed if one parent is a lefty. Parents of left-handed children were used to pressure them to use their right hands. In the eyes of right-handers, the most common use of the left hand seemed to be harmful. Parents feared that their families would shun their children. Those parents were afraid that their families would shun their children. Although left-handedness is more popular than days gone by, the number of people who haven't increased hasn't increased.

Famous lefties

Many lefties want to blend in because they will stand out soon enough. Their unique characteristic makes them feel uncomfortable. They bump elbows or appear to be a klutz. However, those who are not dominant adapt well in a world intended for the right-handed. For example, eight United States presidents were left-handed, including Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Would the Sistine Chapel and Mona Lisa withstand time if Michaelangelo and Leonardo de Vinci had been right-handed?

Uncommon individual

Left Handers Day honors the unusual individual who throws, catches, writes, and uses a fork with their left hand. They think the world is just a little different, too. They want to find the seat that will place their dominant elbow on the outside of the restaurant, not the inside. When the southpaw appears as an outsider on the roster, right-handed athletes groan a bit. They aren't always sure how to cope due to a lack of experience. They aren't exactly sure how to cope due to a lack of training. Lefties debate righties all the time, and righties still fight lefties.

On Left-Handers Day, don't be shy. Show the world how brilliant and unique you are! You are!

How to celebrate international left handers day in the United States

To lunch or out for coffee, take a left-handed friend to lunch or out for coffee. Try doing everything with your left hand if you're right-handed. To demonstrate your left-handed awesomeness, left-handers in a series using #lefthandersday..

To share your ideas with us, use #NDCClassroom.

The international left handers day in history was the largest left handers day in history

In 1992 in the United Kingdom, International Left Handers Day was established in the United Kingdom. The day was added to the Registrar's list of national days due to the success of this report in the United States.