International Migrants Day - December 18
Mon Dec 18th

International Migrants Day

Every year on December 18th, International Migrants Day emphasizes the protection of migrants' human rights. The day also honors the contributions and efforts of migrants around the world.

They went from one land to another ever since human beings were created. In the majority of cases, they travelled to other countries in search of food, water, and shelter. Another reason people were forced to leave their property and search for a new home was conflict..

Countries emerged as time progressed and boundaries were drawn, as time went on and boundaries were established. In some cases, migrants established new countries.. This is how the United States was established when refugees from England arrived here in search of religious liberty. This is how the United States was established. This is how the United States was established. Following its establishment, several waves of migrants arrived in the United States. Migration between 1900 and 1915 was one of the largest influxes of migrants in the United States between 1900 and 1915. During these years, 15 million migrants came from many countries around the world to the United States from various countries around the world.

Round the world. Migrants from around the world have arrived in their countries

The United States wasn't the only country that saw large numbers of migrants. Among the world's biggest migrations are:: These are some of the world's biggest migrations include::

  • From Chechnya to Central Asia in 1944, 700,000 people migrated from Chechnya to Central Asia to escape Joseph Stalin, the Soviet leader –
  • Over 15 million people migrated from India to Pakistan in order to avoid conflicts involving religion from 1947 to 1950
  • From China to Taiwan and other countries in order to escape communism, 2 million Chinese migrants fled from China to Taiwan and other countries to escape communism from 1948 to 1950
  • 3.6 million Jews have migrated from all around the world, including Israel, to their homeland, 1882 to present

Migrants in the majority of cases migrate to a new place where they can live in another country. Often, however, people leave hardship behind only to find more challenges ahead. Some of the most common problems migrants face include language barriers, poverty, seeking jobs, discrimination, a lack of safe housing, and transportation. Some of the most common issues migrants face include language barriers, language barriers, hunger, poverty, unemployment, education, and transportation. Migrants also have a difficult time finding financial assistance and healthcare services.

In addition to these issues that migrants face, there is another one that is also present. Many people who want to migrate to another country in the hopes of a better future are not able to do so because they lack the funding to do so. For this reason, several wealthy countries are trying to make the migration process simpler and less costly. According to the United Nations, there is growing evidence that international migration benefits both the country of origin and the destination..

#migrantsday is the day of the United States. how to celebrate #migrantsday

In honor of this day, many international conferences are being held. In the past, the World Health Organisation has released reports that include information about migrants and refugees.

To participate:

  • Consider what your country would look like without migrants. Consider what your country would be like without migrants
  • Find out what countries your ancestors came from
  • Ask someone who has migrated to another country to ask about their travel experience. If you know someone who has migrated to another country, ask them about their migration
  • Watch a documentary about migrants including 4.1 miles, Human Flow, Stranger in Paradise, and The Good Postman. Human Flow, Stranger in Paradise are among the 4.1 Miles
  • Albert Einstein, Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google), Levi Strauss, Joseph Pulitzer, and Arianna Huffington are among the many famous migrants who influenced America, including Albert Einstein, Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google), Levi Strauss, Joseph Pulitzer, and Arianna Huffington

#MigrantsDay is a hashtag that should be shared on social media. Don't forget to share the word on social media for this day.

International migrants day is the longest in history of the international migrants day.

The General Assembly of the United Nations declared December 18th as International Migrants Day on December 4, 2000. They did so in response to the world's increasing number of migrants. Since the Assembly passed the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families in 1990, the selection of December 18th was chosen on this date because it was on this date in 1990.