International Self Care Day - July 24
Mon Jul 24th

International Self Care Day

International Self Care Day, which takes place every year, promotes self-care as a vital component of wellness. People around the world are also on a day for people around the world to prioritize self-care and make it a part of their lifestyle.

You're practicing self-care when you take care of yourself to stay healthy. Taking care of yourself: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Staying well includes taking care of yourself... For those, self-care also includes taking care of themselves spiritually. What does self-care look like? It could be as simple as having some quiet time each day. At least once a week, some people will have coffee with a friend at least once a week.

Here are some examples of self-care: The following are other examples of self-care.

  • Having a regular sleeping pattern helps. Having a regular sleep schedule helps
  • Maintaining a healthy weight helps with maintaining a healthy body
  • Keeping a reflective journal
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Getting a massage
  • Listening to relaxing music is a step toward de-escalating
  • Reading a good book
  • Learning to say no
  • When it is absolutely necessary, request for assistance when needed

Some people are also focusing on self-care in other areas. For example, financial self-care involves paying bills on time and putting money into savings. Parts of environmental self-care include monitoring time on social media and decluttering your house.

One is guaranteed to reap the benefits no matter what kind of self-care one follows. The two main benefits are a healthier mind and body. Other benefits of self-care include feeling less stressed and being less overwhelmed. For caregivers, self-care is particularly important. A caregiver's time and resources can be channeled into another individual by a caregiver. Doing so eventually takes its toll. "You can't pour from an empty cup," the saying goes. Take care of yourself first."

How to celebrate #internationalselfcareday.

Self-care activities are being organized around the world on this day. Australia, Canada, Kenya, Mexico, South Korea, South Korea, Tanzania, the United States, and Vietnam are among the countries that have participated in the past. Print design competitions, concerts, public lectures, and sponsored public walks are among the self-care activities that can be included in self-care programs. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • The remainder of the year will feature a list of ways to practice self-care throughout the year
  • [If you know a full-time caregiver, invite them out for coffee]
  • Learn more about the numerous health benefits of self-care
  • Brene Brown's book The Comfort Book by Matt Haig, The Self-Love Experiment by Shannon Kaiser, or Braving the Wilderness to help guide you on your self-care journey.
  • "Beyond the To-Do List" or "The Chasing Joy Podcast" is a self-care podcast that should be listened to

#InternationalSelfCareDay is a hashtag that people use to promote self-care on social media.

History of an international self-care day has spanned history

The International Self-Care Foundation (IFS) was established this day in 2011. The IFS, a UK charity with a global focus, is a charity headquartered in the United Kingdom with a global focus. They believe that a healthy society begins when each individual first takes care of themselves..