International Snow Leopard Day - October 23
Mon Oct 23rd

International Snow Leopard Day

International Snow Leopard Day, October 23rd, commemorates this endangered species. It's also a day to learn more about the snow leopard and how to protect this elusive creature.

These big cats are more closely related to a tiger than a leopard, although they are more closely related to a tiger than a leopard. Snow leopards live in alpine areas with a 18,000-foot elevation, mainly in the Himalayas. The most snow leopards are found in China and Mongolia. They also live in Nepal, India, Pakistan, and Russia.

These cats are known as snow leopards because they adapt well to the snow and cold. Natural snowshoes are portrayed by their wide fur-covered feet. Because few people see them, snow leopards are often referred to as "ghosts of the mountains." They usually come out at dusk and dawn when it's still dark, which is one reason for this. Snow leopards are also well camouflaged, making them difficult to detect..

Snow leopard facts

  • Their thick fur is gray and yellow-tinged. They are also yellow-tinged
  • They have long, thick tails that they wrap around themselves to keep warm
  • They meowl, yowl, or blow through their nose with their mouth closed, rather than roaring
  • They can travel more than 25 miles per night in one night
  • They can reach almost 30 feet, six times their body length, and six times their body length
  • These big cats have pale grey or greenish eyes

Wild sheep account for a snow leopard's diet. However, wild sheep are also a food source for humans. With the reduced number of wild sheep, snow leopards resort to killing livestock. This is why snow leopards are killing snow leopards in farmers and herders. These retaliatory killings are one of the low numbers of snow leopards in the wild's low numbers. Today, there could be as few as 4,000 snow leopards in the United States. Snow leopards are listed as endangered due to their low numbers.

How to celebrate #snowleopardday..

On this day, conservation organisations and zooos around the world will celebrate the snow leopard's worldwide. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate: To participate: To participate:

  • See if your local zoo has a snow leopard exhibit
  • Watch videos online that feature snow leopards.
  • Donate to a conservation group that helps the endangered snow leopard saves its habitat
  • Snow leopards are among the most curious animals to find out about

#SnowLeopardDay is finally on social media to raise concerns for this day.

The first international snow leopard day in history is the first international snow leopard day in history

During the first Global Forum on the Conservation of the Snow Leopard, the Bishkek Declaration was adopted on October 23rd, 2013. The forum was held in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. In 2014, the twelve countries present at the forum announced October 23rd International Snow Leopard Day, marking the one-year anniversary of the Bishkek Declaration.