June 3th is Chimborazo, National Chocolate Macaroon, National Egg, National Repeat, World Bicycle and more!

Chimborazo Day

Chimborazo Day is held on June 3rd, every year, on June 3rd, the world's highest point. It's also a day to tie up the hiking boots and walk the nearest trail.

National Chocolate Macaroon Day

Each year, National Chocolate Macaroon Day is celebrated as a delectable treat... Last month, we celebrated National Macaroon Day on May 31st. We now have a little chocolate to the mix, sweetening the dish.

National Egg Day

It's time to take a crack at National Egg Day's annual observance on June 3rd...

National Repeat Day

National Repeat Day, which was observed on June 3rd, could be a chance for some and a bad omen for others. Making this holiday memorable, whether it's repeating a foot massage or a day with a dear friend. Repeating a root canal or Hurricane Katrina are not recommended for this day.

World Clubfoot Day

World Clubfoot Day, which takes place every year on June 3rd, aims to unite those affected by clubfoot so that they can inspire and inspire one another. It's also a day to raise concern for this common congenital disorder.