June 4th is National Cheese, National Clean Beauty, National Cognac, National Hug Your Cat, National Old Maids and more!

National Cheese Day

Moooove over whiners!! National Cheese Day is June 4th in the United States. Cheese encyclopedia will cover the alphabet and broaden your vocabulary. It will unquestionably have more varieties of cheese than those that are found at the local grocer, as well as other varieties of cheese...

National Clean Beauty Day

From the start of their life cycle to the end, this observation has pushed brands to produce healthy and sustainable beauty products. At the same time, the holiday educates consumers about the benefits of healthier product choices.. The movement is calling for a change in our clean beauty practices for a more sustainable world.

National Cognac Day

Each year, brandy enthusiasts and distillers commemorate National Cognac Day on June 4th. rance, where it is made, is a well-known brandy. Cognac was named after the town of Cognac, France, where it is produced. In addition, the area is also known for vineyards and producing wine.

National Hug Your Cat Day

On June 4th, the purr-fect opportunity presents itself for some snuggle time as National Hug Your Cat Day rolls around each year. Hugging may not be in the plans, depending on your feline critter's nature. However, like most animals, touch is a vital component of communication, and the same goes for the claw-ful kind.

National Old Maids Day

On June 4th, National Old Maid's Day honors the women who never marry and remain childless each year. Although the term doesn't seem to be flattering, less common terms such as spinster have been used to describe single, childless women for centuries...

National Safe Day

National SAFE Day is set to stop tragedy from repeating itself on June 4th. Gun storage is located inside one of every three households in the United States. Through education of responsible gun ownership and encouraging parents to inquire about guns where their children visit, the Brooklynn Mae Mohler Foundation is committed to reducing senseless child deaths by increasing awareness of responsible gun ownership and encouraging parents to inquire about guns where their children visit.