Fri Apr 14th

Look Up At The Sky Day

Look Up at the Sky Day on April 14, Look Up at the Sky Day encourages us to appreciate the beauty above us. On this day, we all hope for good weather and the opportunity to delight our eyes with the sky from horizon to horizon.

As you relax, chill, and look up, there are several things you will see. The cloud and the sky's stunning blue color, as well as their numerous shapes, are among the sky's many shapes and colors. We're sure the sun (maybe peeking through the clouds) and many other birds flying around capture our interest. The sky's many stars, the moon, and even the clouds drifting across the sky mesmerize us at night.

#lookuptheskyday - how to monitor #lookuptheskyday.skydaycom

  • Spend time on the clouds.
  • Note the various shapes and how they move
  • Investigate the stars at night. Find constellations, planets, and the Milkyway in the heavens
  • Look out for a meteor shower or a single falling star. Over the horizon, an aurora borealis could begin to dance, bringing on a stunning display
  • Play a game or two while you're looking up at the sky. Try downloading and printing off the Sky Bingo game we made and see if you can find any of these items in the sky If you win, let us know if you win, too!
  • Use #LookUpAtTheSkyDay on social media to share your findings. Share your findings using #LookUpAtTheSkyDay

For generations, Jack Borden encouraged children and adults to look up and admire the beauty above us. He continues to do so. Thanks to Jack Borden's efforts in 1987, Spacious Skies Day was declared in Massachusetts on May 18th. Mr. Borden's career has been chronicled in this series. Charles Kuralt's book The following is a summary of the impact Mr. Borden has had over the years.