National Apple Turnover Day | July 5
Wed Jul 5th

National Apple Turnover Day

On July 5th, enjoy a delectable, individual pie. It's just what National Apple Turnover Day is all about!


Apple turnovers have been around since the 17th century, but also called hand pies because their shape makes them portable. Bakers fold it in half and make a smaller, flaky pie crust with fruit or meat and fold it in half. The pie is baked or fried depending on the edges. Add a dusting of sugar or icing on top for added sweetness.

Nearly every culture has a recipe for a change in its repertoire. Whether the dish is savory or sweet, the ingredients readily available determined how the dough was made. However, most doughs will convert to a sweet dish with the addition of fruit and sweet additives such as sugar, honey, or maple syrup.

A variety of turnovers are available, including bakeries, and even food trucks, and they make a delectable snack or dinner. Apple turnovers also come in a wide variety. Just a few of the combinations we've found include apple cinnamon, apple cinnamon, or apple raisin. Be sure to check out your local stores or make your own dish..

How to celebrate apple turnover day is a mystery

Try Apple Pie Filling and the Recipe for You – Apple Turnover recipe or invite a friend to join you for an apple turnover at a restaurant near you! Print them out and give them to your family and friends. On social media, using #AppleTurnoverDay to encourage others to participate in paying it forward.

The apple turnover day is the longest in apple turnover day history

We were unable to locate the originator of National Apple Turnover Day, but we were unable to find him.

The july 5th anniversary of the republic's centennial has been commemorated


William Booth, a Methodist minister, has set up a mission to assist feed and clothe homeless people of London's East End. The homeless people are stricken people. The Salvation Army, He and his wife Catherine, would rename the group the Salvation Army..


In Paris, designer Louis Réard introduces the first bathing suit. Micheline Bernadini modeled the suit.


Elvis Presley, a young Elvis Presley, arrives at Sun Records in Memphis, Tennessee, and his first single, "That's All Right," is released, sparking rock and roll.


Arthur Ashe beat Jimmy Connors to win the Wimbledon singles title, becoming the first black man to do so.

The july 5th anniversary of the country's fifth national birthdays has been celebrated

1794 – 1794 – sylvester graham, 1794

The American minister's obsession with a healthy diet led him to the development of the graham cracker. Graham cracker:

P.t barnum – 1810

PT Barnum, the entrepreneur and entertainer, pioneered his burgeoning show industry in the mid-19th century with a menagerie of animal and human oddities he referred to as "The Greatest Show on Earth."

Clara zetkin – 1857

Clara Zetkin founded International Women's Day in 1910 in an attempt to promote women's rights, such as universal suffrage, an 8-hour work day, and maternity leave.

A.e douglass – 1867

The relationship between tree rings and sunspot cycles is traced by an American astronomer who is credited with determining the connection between tree rings and sunspot cycles. His research led to the development of dendrochronology, the scientific method of determining tree rings.