National Autonomous Vehicle Day - May 30
Wed May 31st

National Autonomous Vehicle Day

Observe the future on May 31st with National Autonomous Vehicle Day and see the convergence of science and technology merging like never before.


Self-driving cars (both manned and unmanned) and unmanned aerial vehicles may look like something from a science fiction movie. Despite this, these cutting-edge technologies have placed a variety of industries at a point of change. In some states, we now have cars that take us from point A to point B without having to touch the wheel. Like one in North Dakota, autonomous Friendly Corridors, like the one in North Dakota, could increase industry and become the epicenter of more innovation. Pilot programs around the country are undergoing evaluation in a variety of ways.

2017 was a good year for the Autonomous Vehicle in the United States. The US Department of Transportation announced the first ten testing sites dedicated to developing autonomous vehicles. While some states debated how this new technology affects current regulations and what changes could be made, some states debated those questions that allowed autonomous vehicles to make their debut in their own states.

Driverless cars in test areas continue to grow. Not only do these small samplings give communities the opportunity to see and how they work, but they also give the company the opportunity to demonstrate how their safety technologies work, one community at a time..

In addition, advancements in technology are driving industry and infrastructure to keep up, and infrastructure is expected to keep up. Proposals are widely distributed, impacting agriculture, commerce, medicine, and transportation.

One-quarter of all automobiles will be autonomous by 2040, according to the Brookings Institution, and one-quarter of all automobiles will be fully autonomous by 2040. The future is here, according to National Autonomous Vehicle Day. The future is in the form of a self-driving vehicle that gets us safely from here to there, and that will be in the form of a self-driving car that gets us from here to there.

How to celebrate autonomous vehicle day in a nutshell

It's not limited to how we travel. It's also how will autonomous cars change the world. Find out more about the changing world of autonomous transportation and vehicles. Share your story if you've been riding in a self-driving vehicle. What are your thoughts about autonomous cars? What are your thoughts on autonomous cars? On social media, let us know using #AutonomousVehicleDay.

Are you curious about this burgeoning market? Read 7 Things You May Not Know About Autonomous Vehicles You May Not Know.