National Bikini Day | July 5
Wed Jul 5th

National Bikini Day

Women have been hitting the beach and pool sides in bikinis since July 5, 1946.. National Bikini Day is commemorated on the anniversary of the introduction of the first two-piece bathing suit.


The Bikini Atoll, where the United States conducted nuclear experiments, was named after the two-piece bathing suit made its debut in Paris. Jaques Heim, a French designer, wanted to say "atom" for fabric, but designer Louis Réard revealed his work on this day in 1946, with the term "bikini" and the word stuck.

Sunbathers discarded the chaste one-piece bathing costumes for simple two-piece bathing suits by World War II.. However, nothing prepared the United States for the revealing bikini when it struck the beaches on July 5, 1946. Less than a woman's unmentionables were seen in the skimpy strips of fabric... Although Europe embraced the bikini after a long and difficult world war, the Americans' sense of decency prevented them from accepting the bikini until the 1960s.

The bikini is available in a variety of sizes, colors, and fabrics today. Designers adapted the style to flatter more body shapes, enticing more women to wear the style. During the summer, the beaches and pools call for swimwear.. Perhaps the bikini's anniversary is the time to choose one that suits your style.

How to celebrate national bikini day

Wear your bikini or buy a new one. For a dip, try the local pool or beach. While sunbathing, learn about the evolution of swimwear styles through the ages. Use #NationalBikiniDay to post your favorite styles and looks on social media.

National bikini day is the longest in national bikini day history

it was the founder of National Bikini Day, but we did determine the date for the day because we were unable to identify the individual of National Bikini Day. Designer Louis Réard, a French entrepreneur, created the world's first bathing suit, called it the bikini. The designer hoped his fashion debut would be fiery, much like the atomic experiments on the Bikini Atoll. Réard's itty bitty bikini caused a firestorm of controversy, as well as his itty bitty bikini.'s Several countries have outlawed the two-piece bathing suit for several decades.