National Cat Day | October 29
Sun Oct 29th

National Cat Day

Today, pay special attention to your cat. Adopt a new cat. To post on social media, use

This day was launched by Pet Lifestyle Specialist and Animal Welfare Advocate Colleen Paige in 2005. Since its inception, the organization has helped save the lives of more than one million cats.

National cat day

On October 29th, the purrfect day to pay extra attention to your feline friends.


Cats are a wonderful companion. They seldom miss you, but if they do, they will know it. Pet owners are encouraged to adopt from a local shelter on Awareness days such as this one. The abandoned population can also be reduced by neutering and spaying our furry friends, according to the day's news.

Shelters are overflowing with cats and kittens in need of forever homes. These feline fur babies have as many personalities as they do colors and coats... They curl into our hearts and will just as quickly remind us who they love... If they were born in the shelter, surrendered, or abandoned, 3.4 million people found their way to a shelter.

Take your time when considering the adoption of a furbaby. Each shelter animal will touch your heart, so be sure to find a life-long passion.

  • Consider your lifestyle Is it possible to have time for an active kitten or will an adult cat be more to your speed?
  • Make multiple visits before making your decision. Sometimes, the purrfect cat will choose you
  • Spend one-on-one time with the cat to ensure you have some bonding pleasures and her true personality shines through
  • Is it necessary for other members of your fur family to be considered? If so, be sure to introduce them to ensure their personalities match
  • Prepare your new family member's home by bringing him home, have a space for him to decompress and adjust to his new home. If he hides at first, don't be concerned if he is surprised. Whether he is surprised or not surprised. This is normal cat behavior

How to observe national cat day is a mystery