Chocolate Chip Cookie Day | August 4
Fri Aug 4th

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day on August 4th gives us the opportunity to dunk America's most popular cookie. Pour a glass of milk and enjoy, whether yours are handmade or storebought.


The cookie would still be the most popular cookie without chocolate chips. Is it true? Or is it?

For that reason, we also recognize Ruth Graves Wakefield on National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Chocolate chips and a cookie dough go together thanks to her ingenuity and curiosity. We hover around ovens for this reason, relishing the moment the timer dings. We're grateful for this.

How the chocolate chip cookie was created was explained by the chocolate chip cookie's maker

Imagine if Ruth Graves Wakefield hadn't run out of baker's chocolate for her cookie recipe that day in 1937. Why? Because that's what happened.' She was making the cookie dough with baker's chocolate and would have blended well into the dough. However, she had been banned. What if Mrs. Wakefield hadn't considered using semi-sweet chocolate instead? She hoped that it would just melt into the dough and work much like the baker's chocolate.

What if someone had interrupted Ruth Graves Wakefield that day and caused the cookies to burn and ruin the experiment?

Well, none of that happened. The baker added the chocolate to the dough instead of interruptions or questions. Mrs. Wakefield's oven's delectable aroma began to waft moments later.' Possibly the stench brought a child into the kitchen. Or, perhaps a visitor to the Tollhouse Inn owned by her and her husband. We may not know the finer details of the day the chocolate chip cookie was made. However, we do know Ruth Graves Wakefield made it happen.

We wouldn't know the ecstasy of warm chocolate chip cookie melting on our tongue if it weren't for her. We know the feeling. Our eyes close in divine bliss, and a flawless smile graces our face as our eyes close... Absolutely no, if it wasn't for Ruth Graves Wakefield, whole generations would be denied the pleasure that is a chocolate chip cookie.

We might even go so far as to say she is responsible for all the other nuggets of goodness. We love these morsels of butterscotch, peanut butter, and white chocolate in the same way we enjoy our chocolate delights. Nothing, though, is nearly as popular as Ruth Graves Wakefield's chocolate chip cookie, which was on display in 1937. No, nothing.

How to celebrate national chocolate chip cookie day

Make your favorite chocolate chip cookies and throw some extra chocolate chips into the mix. Give this dish a try. Other ways to commemorate the day include:: Here are some other ways to commemorate the day...

  • Ruth Graves Wakefield: Sarah Howden's One Smart Cookie Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: One Smart Cookie Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Graves Wakefield: Ruth Grave Sarah Howden
  • Give your favorite bakery a shout out too.
  • Bake-off of chocolate chip cookie cookies will be held in the event's organization. It could also be a fundraiser for a local charity
  • Try recipes from Ruth Wakefield's Toll House: Tried and True Recipes

y was featured in a social media post on social media using the hashtag #ChocolateChipCookieDay.

The national chocolate chip day is the longest in national chocolate chip day tradition

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