Thu Dec 7th

National Cotton Candy Day

The spun sugar treat that delights candy enthusiasts of all ages is commemorated on National Cotton Candy Day. On December 7th, get your new version of this sweet treat that dates back to the 1400s..

Cotton candy, originally known as spun sugar, is still a staple at carnivals, fairs, and the circus. While it may be nostalgic of childhood days, fairy floss also reminds us of fluffy clouds. Since the heated sugar is turned into thin strands of fine sugar and blown into fat puffs twirled onto paper sticks, it's a bit like magic.

It's also associated with other magical occasions. The zoo, and the circus delight us with carnivals and fairs, as well as the circus. Cotton candy brings a touch of joy and magic. Nostalgic memories of throning crowds and the sounds of the calliope bring a smile to our faces. Cotton candy is on the goof!

Cotton candy (spun sugar) first appeared in Europe during the 18th century. At that time, it was very costly and labor-intensive. It was also very labor-intensive. Generally, the average person could not afford to buy cotton candy.

illiam Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton invented machine-spun cotton candy in 1897. Fairy Floss' invention, which was introduced cotton candy to a larger audience at the 1904 World's Fair in London. Fairgoers loved it and bought over 68,000 boxes for 25 cents a box.

How to celebrate

We have a few ways to enjoy this delectable treat. Try making an adventure by discovering all of the ways cotton candy was made and how it's made today. If enjoying some cotton candy with those you love, please share your favorite memories of cotton candy treats. Those you love. To post on social media, use #NationalCottonCandyDay.

Is it important to know more about this enthralling candy? Read 5 of the Cotton Candy's 5 Sweet Truths About Cotton Candy.

Cotton candy FAQ

Q. What is the most popular color of cotton candy? Q. What is the most common color of cotton candy?

A. Pink and blue are the most common colors of cotton candy, followed by blue. To get the pastel shades, candy makers add a layer of food coloring.

Q. What happens if I squeeze cotton candy?

A. Squeezing the air out and the sugar molecules stick together, because cotton candy is made from 70% air. A. Because cotton candy is made from 70% air.

Q. Is it possible to make cotton candy using any kind of sugar? dy sugar can be made from granular sugar. A. Cotton candy sugar can be made from granular sugar. Nevertheless, several companies make flavored sugars and syrups specifically for making cotton candy.