National Garfield the Cat Day | June 19
Mon Jun 19th

National Garfield The Cat Day

Garfield, a fictional cartoon character, is celebrated each year on June 19th, National Garfield's National Garfield. Jim Davis created the comic strip Garfield and the title's protagonist, a tabby cat by the same name. The observance of Garfield and the entertainment he provides us is commemorated.


Garfield was born on June 19, 1978, 1978. Garfield was born on June 19, 1978. The cat Garfield (named after Jim Davis's grandfather) chronicled the life of the lead character, the cat Garfield (named after Jim Davis' grandfather). It also welcomed Garfield's owner, Jon Arbuckle, and Jon's dog, Odie, who was also introduced. In 2013, the magazine became syndicated in over 2,580 newspapers and journals, and holds the Guinness World Record for being the world's most syndicated comic strip.

Garfield, one of the cartoon characters to appear in Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, was one of the cartoon characters to appear in Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue.

Garfield's nessive eating, obsession with lasagna and coffee, and aversion of Mondays and diets are among the comic strip's staples. The laziness, obsessive eating, love for lasagna and coffee are among the strip's most popular characters. While the focus is mainly on Garfield, Jon, and Odie, the strip also includes other characters.

The cat day's national garfield is a national garfield

There are several ways to honor the lovable tabby cat. Garfield supporters from all around comment on the tabby cat's obsession with lasagna or contempt for Mondays. But they also know that he likes to sleep in sunbeams, which goes beyond that. They're fond of Jon's comedic sense of humour and know his obsession with animals... This day in a world of cat lovers, this day brings some new ways to celebrate.

  • For Garfield's birthday, bake some cookies or cupcakes
  • Read the comic strip..
  • Watch a Garfield episode on YouTube.
  • Easily share your Garfield finds
  • Take selfies with your tabby cat.
  • You should see how many Garfields you can identify (that aren't a cat)
  • Pick up a Garfield coloring book

Use #GarfieldTheCatDay on social media to post your favorite comic strip.

The national garfield of the cat day has a long tradition of the national garfield

eld's birthday in 1998 on the 20th anniversary of the comic strip and Garfield's birthday. The Cat Day was first commemorated in 1998. At a surprise birthday party at the International Museum of Cartoon Art in Boca Raton, Garfield the Cat Day was commemorated by the International Museum of Cartoon Art in Boca Raton on June 19th.