National Have a Coke Day – May 8
Mon May 8th

National Have A Coke Day

Millions of citizens around the country commemorate National Have a Coke Day on May 8th each year. Coca-Cola, often referred to as Coke, is a carbonated soft drink made by The Coca-Cola Company.

In the United States, the first filing date for Coke as a registered trademark of the Coca-Cola Company is March 27, 1944. As of 2013, Coke exports products in over 200 countries around the world as a result of the downturn of more than 1.8 million company beverage servings per day.

Collectors from all generations have gathered as the holiday focuses on the bubbly, carbonated beverage, the food, and its associated memorabilia. Collectors like to recreate classic flavors with authentic style, from sign art to vintage soda fountain glassware.

How to celebrate #nationalhaveacokeday

This day is in so many ways. Learn more about the company's history while enjoying your favorite Coca-Cola product. You'll also find out which collectibles are truly valuable and which ones are just tugging at our heartstrings. Watch old Coke commercials as you share an icy cold beverage with a friend. You can also enjoy a float or a frozen Coke. Also, don't forget to discuss diet vs. original.. Another way to commemorate is to explore the world of vintage soda fountains. Take a step back in time and savor a delectable ice cream soda. Share your favorite mixed beverage or a flavored version of this classic soft drink for adults. If you're celebrating, don't forget to use #NationalHaveACokeDay to post on social media.

A national have a coke day tradition has a coke day tradition

At Pemberton's Eagle Drug and Chemical House in Columbus, Georgia, John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in the late 19th century. He wanted to patent the beverage as medicine, but he wanted to patent it as medicine. However, Asa Griggs Candler bought the company outright, but Asa Griggs Candler bought it out. Coke was king of the world soft-drink industry for the 20th century thanks to Candler's marketing efforts, which led to the company's hegemony of the global soft-drink industry throughout the twentieth century.

Coco-Cola Timeline:

1886, May 8, 1886 – Coco-Cola goes on sale for the first time as a tonic amid the temperance movement.

Bottling of Coco-Cola begins at the Biedenharn Candy Company in Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1891 – Bottling of Coco-Cola begins for the first time at the Biedenharn Candy Company in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

1894 – In Cartersville, Georgia, Georgia, the first outdoor wall advertisement promoting the Coca-Cola drink was painted.

1914 – Fleeman's Pharmacy in Atlanta opens its doors. The longest-running commercial Coca-Cola soda fountain in Atlanta and Coca-Cola became a historic landmark of Atlanta and Coca-Cola. After 81 years, the pharmacy closed its doors in 1995.

1944 – The Coca Cola Company manufactures its one-billionth gallon of Coca-Cola syrup on July 12th. – The Coca-Cola Company manufactures its one-billionth gallon of Coca-Cola syrup.

1955 – The company manufactures its first cans of Coke.