Sat Feb 11th

National Inventors' Day

The inventors of the past, the designers of the present, and the future architects are celebrated on National Inventors' Day. The genius behind design is celebrated on February 11th, National Inventors' Day, honoring the art of invention. In addition, it delves into the past of some of our most unusual inventions.

What does Ernest Fraze, Thomas Adams, Melitta Benton, Patricia Beth, and Stephen Perry have in common? They are honored on February 11th, along with the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver, and Elisha Otis..

We can safely ride in an elevator, have a well-lit room at the flip of a switch, talk to someone on the other side of the world, or simply pump lotion from a bottle thanks to the inventors. Many inventers live their entire life without being recognized for their creations, while others are household names. Nearly every part of us is a result of someone tinkering in their garage, lab, or basement looking for a solution to a problem.

Any inventions may have been accidental by an observant person; the microwave oven, penicillin, sticky notes, and bubble wrap may not have made their way into their new use if not for young or persistent inventors.

The proverb "Necessity is the mother of invention" refers to a lot of how inventors think about life. They are a progressive, forward-thinking bunch. Where would we be without pacemakers, traffic lights, rubber bands, or coffee filters?

We may be better off without certain technologies, but there are some that we may be better off without. A DVD rewinder doesn't quite meet the required specifications. Or, they are otherwise impractical. For example, carrying a stroller fridge for your watermelon alongside the cooler and beach umbrella seems to be a bit of overkill. Still, without inventors, the world would be downright dull and much more difficult.

Inventors should keep track of their inventions, processes, ingredients, and components. Then, protect your inventions, protect your inventions, and get your unique creations patentable. t.

#nationalinventorsday is a worldwide phenomenon that has piqued interest in #nationalinventorsday

  • Keep inventing!
  • Show your creations
  • You should know how to recognize an inventor you know
  • Read about inventors and inventions that changed the way we think about the world today. Five Notable Inventors by Wade Hudson We recommend Mistakes that Worked by Charlotte Jones, The Idea Factory: Charlotte Jones, The Idea Factory: The Great Age of American Innovation by Jon Gertner, and Five Notable Inventors by Wade Hudson
  • Find out more about the patent process and how to safeguard your inventions. Put your ideas to use for you, Then, bring your ideas to life
  • Watch documentaries about your favorite inventions. You may find out something about the entrepreneur you never knew about.
  • On social media, use the hashtag #NationalInventorsDay to post

The national inventors' day in history is the first national inventors' day in the United States.

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan declared the first National Inventors' Day, which takes place every year on Thomas Edison's birthday.

Inventors FAQ

Q. Is it necessary to be an Inventor to celebrate this day? Q. Do I have to be an Inventor?

A. No. A. No. A. No. You should honor a favorite entrepreneur.

Q. Does any Inventor patent their ideas?

A. No. A. No. A. No. Some Inventors adore the act of designing and solving problems.

Is it possible for inventors to make a lot of money? Q. Can inventors make a lot of money?

A. Some do, but not often after a lot of trial and error. The process of invention is not a fast track to becoming wealthy.