Sun Jan 8th

National Joygerm Day

People around the country are reminded every year that by being positive and treating others with kindness, they can influence others around them and pass the positive vibe on to others. When we post positive moods, we influence people around us, and those people are infected with the same positive joy and spread it to others.

Laugh, smile, be kind, inspire, and pass the one type of germ that is helpful to everyone.

How to celebrate #nationaljoygermday. mday

One of those days you've been waiting for is National JoyGerm Day. Whatever you do, January 8th gives you the opportunity to infuse joy in everything you do.

  • Plan to awakene with a positive mood the night before. Use your favorite jazzy, snazzy wake-up music to start your day right and remind you what day it is..
  • Set out to bring your joy with you and spread it around like a glitter bomb that will not go away.. Smile, and say "Hello" to everyone you see and talk to
  • Enererably be the one who does the job. Make copies, errands, throwing out the garbage, making phone calls, or making phone calls, be the person with a smile
  • By reading 7 Ways to Be an Angel in Someone's Life, you will get more great tips.

Throughout the day, see how often you can spread the JoyGerm!

Use #NationalJoygermDay to post on social media.

The national joygerm day is the longest in history

National JoyGerm Day was founded in 1981 by a rather joyful and exuberant woman, Joan White, and the pure joy of its founder.