National Lemon Meringue Pie Day | August 15
Tue Aug 15th

National Lemon Meringue Pie Day

Pie enthusiasts and lemon lovers alike will celebrate National Lemon Meringue Pie Day on August 15th.. In this delectable tart, tart lemon curd and delicate meringue blend together..


When making a lemon meringue pie, the crust is usually made with a shortbread pastry. The pie's filling is lemon curd. Of course, the topping is a fluffy and crisp meringue.

To make a meringue, whip egg whites to stiff peaks. Make it sweet by adding sugar to make it sweet. Meringues are baked in a slow oven so they come out crisp and golden when they're finished.

Since meringue is versatile, it can be made into individual servings with fruit fillings. Pastry chefs also like to make meringue cookies. By adding cocoa, coffee, or any combination of flavorings, the light, airy cookies melt in your mouth. The same is true of meringue pies.

The meringue was invented in the 17th century and was a hit in the meringue. During the 19th century, lemon meringue pie as we know it today was first introduced in the 19th century.

In the United States. How to make national lemon meringue pie

Be sure to join this commemoration on August's first pie day!! If you make a pie yourself or go out for a pie, invite someone to join you. Pie is so much better when there is someone to share it with you.. With it, you can have a cup of tea or coffee and some good chat. Make Lemon Meringue Pie dish by using this Lemon Meringue Pie dish. Be sure to share your favorite recipes with us and hashtag #LemonMeringuePieDay to post on social media.

The first national lemon meringue pie day in history has been celebrated

Although our team was unable to find the day's creator, we do have so many more pie days to celebrate.

  • Peach Pie Day
  • On the day of Chocolate Pecan Pie Day, Pecan Pie Day is officially recognized
  • Pie Day
  • Cherry Pie Day