Sun Mar 19th

National Let’s Laugh Day

Every year, National Let's Laugh Day on March 19th reminds us to bring a little humor to our days. Both of us are fine, and it's never good to be serious all the time, so allowing the laughter to flow from time to time is beneficial for everyone.

"Laughter is the best medicine," We've all heard the expression, "Laughter is the best medicine." This is the time to get your medicine.

According to several studies, laughter can improve your immune system, relieve anxiety, and help you relax. Who does not need any of those things in our fast and crowded world?

As we all know, laughter can also be contagious. And faking it seems to have some health benefits.. The abdominal muscles, lungs, arms, and facial muscles are all involved in "laughter yoga" classes, which include humor and laughter in order to get us laughing to resolve what ails us.

If you and a friend have those long bouts of uncontrolled laughter that result in tears and aching stomach muscles that last ten minutes or longer, you will burn between 10-40 calories per 10 minutes. Also, keep giving each other those don't look-at-me-or-I'll-start-laughing-again looks, and you'll continue to burn more laugh-healthy calories while also enjoying a good memory.. is a website that teaches how to celebrate #letslaughday

  • To your phone, you can now download a joking baby ringtone
  • To make someone's day, use humor
  • To post on social media, take some time to laugh and use the hashtag #LetsLaughDay to joke
  • To get you started, try laughter yoga

History of national let's laugh day has spanned national let's laugh day

We've guessed at the sources of this wry holiday. We continue to find humor in everyday life and continue to #CelebrateEveryDay.

Laughter FAQ

Q. What kinds of laughs are there?

A. Different people laugh differently, and different situations make us laugh in a variety of ways. We love our laughs with a variety of colorful terms and phrases. The following are a few of them include:

  • This giggle is often triggered by anxiety
  • Guffaw – When something is particularly funny, we're sure it's not off guard, but it might surprise us. It's a loud, almost explosive laugh
  • This is similar to chicken clucking, but it is often associated with how a wicked witch would laugh. Cackle – This is similar to chicken clucking, but it is often associated with how a wicked witch would laugh
  • A belly laugh is a belly laugh, as it extends into our stomach and shakes our entire body
  • Chuckle – This chuckle takes place in the throat and doesn't go much further. – This is a chuckle

Is laughter contagious? Q. Is it contagious?

According to a report published in the Journal of Neuroscience by researchers at University College London, laughter is truly contagious. A. "We've known for a long time that when we're talking to someone, we often mimic their speech, copying the words they use and imitating their gestures," Dr. Sophie Scott said. "We've known for a long time that we've observed their behavior, mimicking their gestures." Now we've discovered that the same applies to laughter, at least at the brain level.