Wed May 3rd

National Lumpy Rug Day

On May 3rd each year, two ways of commemorating National Lumpy Rug Day are taken.

Some people see the day as a day to enjoy a fresh, clean rug and incorporate it into spring cleaning. Along with this view, there is the opportunity to enjoy the old lumpy rugs and the warmth they have provided to your house.

The other half of the day's view is the way we often sweep unwelcome facts and issues "under the rug." To prevent it from happening, we often get bad news we want to ignore and tuck it away so we can't miss it. We sweep them under the rug in a certain way. However, it is unlikely that it does us any good.

However, there are ways to make a lumpy rug smooth again. Try these tips: Try these tips: Try these tips:

  • Heat helps to soften the threads depending on the fabric. To help clear out your unruly rug, you can use steam or iron on natural fibers
  • Another heat remedy is to lay your rug face down in the sun. Let the warmth smooth your rug flat once more
  • Put your rug in reverse. Roll it in the opposite direction if the lumps and bumps are from storing the rug rolled up

Take action on the day no matter what way you choose to commemorate.

How to celebrate #nationallumpyrugday

Spring cleaning can be started right now. Throw out the old clumpy carpets and replace them with new ones. It's also a good day to address unnoticed topics.

To post on social media, use #NationalLumpyRugDay.

National lumpy rug day (Georgia) is the longest national lumpy rug day in history

Robert L Birch of Pun Corps is credited to National Lumpy Rug Day's creation within our study and the support of faithful followers. It's said he created the day to ridicule those who sweep irrelevant information under the rug.