National May Ray Day | May 19
Fri May 19th

National May Ray Day

National May Ray Day celebrates the brilliant sunshine and warmer weather with just a slight breeze to cool your skin.


If your name is Ray or May, this is your chance to get outside and soak up some sun. This spring holiday, afterall, is all about getting out into the sunshine and soak up some rays.

ter, being in the sun has so many benefits, especially after a long winter. Vitamins and minerals are required to maintain a healthy balance in our bodies. Vitamin D is one of those essential vitamins we need to maintain a healthy mind and body. Not only does it support bone health, but it also reduces blood pressure, prevents disease, and promotes good mental stability. There are also evidence that healthy Vitamin D levels in the body may help reduce the risk of getting cancer.

The sun is a natural way to help maintain healthy Vitamin D levels. Sun exposure: The Sun is a natural sun.

  • Promotes healthy bones
  • In your body, you will not have to worry about destroying unwanted bacteria
  • Cancer prevention can be reduced by reducing the risk of cancer
  • Blood pressure is reduced in the case of elevated blood pressure
  • Improves sleeping habits

Excessive sun exposure can also cause serious health issues, particularly skin cancer. However, there are some preventative steps you can take to make your day in the sun enjoyable: There are, however, a few preventative steps you can take to make your day in the sun more enjoyable.

  • Wear clothing that covers your arms and legs
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat that covers your shoulders, ears, face, and head
  • Wear sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays
  • Ensure that you were wearing sunscreen with at least 15 SPF or higher
  • To block direct sunlight, use an umbrella

It's a beautiful change in seasons as the seasons change. The grass is green, flowers bloom, baby birds are seen learning to fly, and new beginnings are seen everywhere. Springtime is a time to enjoy nature's beauty.

Soak up the sun

  • Plan a picnic
  • Go for walk
  • Buy a new summer style.
  • Plant some flowers
  • Read in the park
  • Visit a zoo
  • #NationalMayRayDay on social media to document your day in the sun using #NationalMayRayDay..

A ray of history

National May Ray Day is coming thanks to comedian Richard Ankli. Today is National May Ray Day, Ankli decided to celebrate his brother Ray with his own special day. The Broadway residence in St. Joseph, Michigan, also known as the Broadway Fun Spot, began celebrating day. Richard may have had the opportunity to self-promote his ode as a writer and comedian at Broadway Fun Spot (BFS) & Little Butter Publishing Co.

We're not sure whether or not this is how either day became official, we recommend going outside and enjoying the sunshine.