Mon Mar 13th

National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day

The National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day, March 13th, is a national science experiment of sorts. Open an umbrella indoors and see if or not you have any bad luck.

One of many people is curious how superstitions change from one generation to the next. Opening your umbrella indoors will bring you bad luck, according to one such old superstition. The day encourages you to try the superstition and note if any bad fortune comes your way. While you're at it, record the types of bad luck you have encountered. Perhaps it isn't bad luck. Perhaps it isn't bad luck. It could just be chance coincidence – things that may have happened whether you had opened an umbrella or not..

Although umbrellas have been around for more than three decades, the source of the superstition is curiously obscure. There is some evidence that ancient Egyptians thought it offended the gods to open an umbrella where there was already shade. However, the more recent version of the superstition would suggest bad things happening as a result of poor timing or inconvenience...

Learn how to celebrate #openanumbrellaindoorsday on www.openanumbrellaindoorsday

Test the belief that opening an umbrella inside brings bad luck by doing so and avoiding any bad fortune that comes your way. To avoid knocking pictures off the wall, you can minimize your chance of bad luck by opening the umbrella in a wide space rather than a narrow hallway. And will we recommend that those around you be warned as well? We don't want any eyes being poked out, so we don't want any eyes being poked out.

A paper umbrella can be used to open a full umbrella indoors. They are usually delivered pre-opened.

Making a paper umbrella is our last opportunity to commemorate the day. Our biggest issue, as always, is your wellbeing. We even found a video with instructions.

To post on social media, use the hashtag #OpenAnUmbrellaIndoorsDay.

History has a national open an umbrella indoors day

This National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day was created by Thomas Edward Knibb of Frederick, MD, to encourage people to find out if they had any bad luck when they opened the umbrella indoors.

Umbrella FAQ

Q. Is it bad luck to open an umbrella indoors?

A. There's a mystery surrounding the act of opening an umbrella indoors. It's either true or not, and it will depend on several variables. Nevertheless, opening an umbrella indoors can be uncomfortable, particularly if it's a small space or packed.

Q. What materials are umbrellas made from?

A. Umbrellas are made from a variety of materials, including::: A. Umbrellas are made from a variety of materials, including:: A. Umbrellas are made from a variety of materials, including::

  • Paper
  • Wood
  • Nylon
  • Canvas
  • Plastic
  • Aluminum