Wed Jan 25th

National Opposite Day

y 25th marks a fun day of switcher-roos on January 25th. What better way than to not celebrate? We don't really mean that, or do we?

Is it good morning, or is it good night? Hello, or is it goodbye? I am cold, or is it hot?

The day is supposed to have fun all day long, but it really means the opposite of what you mean.. Kids are rejoicing everywhere this day.. It's also a great day for adults to play along and get out of the winter blues. We may have dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner, perhaps.

According to most, Opposite Day is always observed on January 25th, though some reports claim it is commemorated by others on January 7th. The 25th of each month of the year is also believed to be commemorated by a group of people.

How to celebrate

Contrastings are worth the day.

  • Learn about the North and South Poles
  • Sad and joyful, excited and disappointed are all expressions of emotion, such as sad and joyful, excited and disappointed
  • Experiment with opposite flavors is an experiment. Taste sour and sweet, spicy, and bland What is the opposite of bitter?
  • Play with opposite sounds.. Whispers are followed by a yell. Cry first laugh then chuckle

Post on social media, do the opposite of what you mean and use #NationalOppositeDay to post on social media.

Opposite FAQ

a contranym?

A. Contranym is a word that has multiple meanings, some of which contradict each other or are contradictory. For example, the word "left" can refer to a person or an object that has yet to be identified. "There are three people left in the office." It can also refer to a person or thing that no longer exists. "Everyone else left the office for the day."

Q. If "left" is the opposite of "right," what is the opposite of "ambidextrous"?

A. "Ambidextrous" means the ability to use both the right and left equally well. Ambilevous" is the same as poor inability to do tasks with both hands, which is also poor.