National Parents as Teachers Day – November 8th
Wed Nov 8th

National Parents As Teachers Day

Parents and teachers are encouraged to join forces to assist children in their educational goals on November 8th.

Parents as Teachers are all over the country. Parents as Teachers are taught by teachers. All parents of young children's support are provided by these affiliates, and it also provides information so that all children learn, grow, and develop to their full potential.

In Missouri, the term Parents as Teachers was first introduced in the 1970s. Teachers as Teachers was a teacher. Teachers said that children were starting kindergarten with varying levels of school readiness. Greater parent involvement is a crucial link in the child's learning of literacy and writing skills, according to study, which includes reading and writing.

Parents are provided with tools, information, and assistance to guide them and their children on a daily basis.

Teachersday is the start of a new #parentsasteachersday. Observe #parentsasteachersday

Take the time to teach your children something new. Join a local group to help with education in your neighborhood.. On social media, use the hashtag #ParentsAsTeachersDay to post.

National parents as teachers day history has long been a national teacher day celebration in the United States

In 2001, the first Parents as Teachers National Center in St. Louis, Missouri, declared the first Parents as Teachers on Teachers Day. They were assisting in community activities in raising the awareness of early childhood services.