Professional House Cleaners Day | September 17
Sun Sep 17th

National Professional House Cleaners Day

Professional Cleaners is recognized on September 17th by the National Professional House Cleaners Day for the essential and skillful work they provide every day. Professional Cleaners create healthier environments in homes and businesses around the country.


This day of recognition honors a profession that many people overlook or take for granted. Although not everyone hires a Professional Cleaner, Professional Cleaners do have a direct effect on our lives in some manner. Professional cleaners are employed by nearly every company we frequent and apartment building rented. According to the industry, the sector also employs approximately 3.25 million people, which has a positive economic impact on the economy.

Hiring certified cleaners has the added value of employing professional cleaners

Professional House Cleaners are able to provide so many services to their customers in addition to sweeping homes and businesses.

  • Improved air quality – Regular professional cleaning minimizes the buildup of dust. In older homes, the risk of allergen, lead, and asbestos fibers rises. The air is contaminated by a regular program of professional cleanings
  • Longevity – Furniture, drapes, floors, and homes can extend their life by regular care. As time goes, products appear younger and require less often to be replaced. These savings add up
  • Profession Cleaners free up time for family, friends, and the essential things of life.
  • Health – A sanitary clean in areas like the kitchen and bathroom is vital. Not only do Professional Cleaners know how to get a sanitary clean, but they also use the right equipment for the job
  • Relaxation – Psychologically speaking – comes home to a clean house, which allows us to relax because we don't have to deal with clutter and everything is in its place

The exceptionally gifted and versatile are extremely versatile

The National Professional House Cleaners Day also honors the individuals's skills and knowledge. Many in the industry have a passion for perfection, and here's why:

  • A Professional Cleaner's eye for detail and organizational skills make them ideal for this career. Their no-nonsense approach and thoroughness have left satisfied clients behind.
  • Professional Cleaners – Professional Cleaners are experts in protecting, securing, and restoring fabrics and surfaces. Not only that, but they're also the experts when it comes to safeguarding you and your employees.. Doing the job safely without injury to an employee is critical, as well as maintaining a safe house is vital
  • Many Professional Cleaners are leading the way – Many Professional Cleaners are leading the way. They recruit specialists, balance products, schedules, and preparation. These business owners set a tone for their employees, who in turn become leaders
  • Professional Cleaners are the best at getting a job done right the first time, and they are the best at it. Not only do they know the most efficient ways to get a house or company clean, but also the most cost-effective and healthiest ways to do so... They are a company you can trust, which makes them a company you can trust

According to the United States Department of Commerce, 8 out of every ten dual-income households will invest in a form of house cleaning services in the next two years. This day is a great opportunity to highlight the exceptional services and value that Professional Cleaners provide.

How to celebrate professional house cleaners on a day's work

Show your sincere appreciation for what they do if you currently have a regular cleaning service and/or independent house cleaner. They are greatly appreciated for their service. Let them know how their jobs influence your family. Describe to them how valuable their work to your health and happiness. Show them how valuable their contribution to your quality of life.

Use #ProfessionalHouseCleanersDay and TAG a housecleaner or a cleaning company you want to share with others on social media. a housecleaner or a cleaning company you want to share with others on social media.

Want to do more? Want to do more? Want to do more? Show your love and admiration for all cleaners.. On our website, you can find out more about the movement. Find out the truth about house cleaners and the stigmas that are still influencing our society's perception of this trade today. Don't forget to support the AHCA by making a pledge or even becoming a member! Visit our website today,

Today is the day of a professional house cleaners day in the United States' history

In 2019 to raise funds, respect, and praise for House Cleaners and the professional house cleaning industry, the American House Cleaners Association (AHCA) established National Professional House Cleaners Day (AHCA). The day also honors their vital contributions to our society's health and wellbeing as one of the United States' most skilled trades.

About the american house cleaners association (ahca) (ahca): information about the american house cleaners association (ahca) (ahca) (ahca)

***The AHCA is the leading voice of the professional house cleaning industry in the United States. Our private cleaning community of 19,000 professional house cleaners is led by house cleaning industry community leaders, Kevin and Grace Reynolds and Sheryl Milligan, of Handmaid Cleaning, LLC in Walla, W A. Join us on Facebook: