Wed Mar 8th

National Proofreading Day

Every year on March 8th, National Proofreading Day highlights the importance of proofreading our written work. Some people who enjoy proofreading are also allowed to gently correct others. Nevertheless, constructive criticism is usually welcome if given the opportunity to proofread another's work.

The day promotes error-free writing. Carefully review all of your letters and documents to give a positive and professional impression. Proofreading is often helpful to avoid overlooked mistakes when proofreading. For the most accurate proofreading, use several of them and mix them up from time to time.

  • Proofread after an article, critical email, or chapter has time to set, and you're reading it with fresh eyes
  • Do not disturb – Do not disturb – Do not disturb – Do not disturb – Do not disturb – Do not disturb – Do not disturb – Do not disturb – Remove all distractions, including cellphones, other deadlines, traffic, noise, and interruptions
  • Find your habits – Learn your habits – Keep a list of your daily habits and search for those that appear first
  • Turn off the autocorrect – autocorrect can be helpful when used solely as a tool. – Autocorrect can be useful. However, we become reliant on it over time. Our messages can be overcorrected in texts and emails, causing a lot of confusion. There are some more accurate and effective tools available for those times we're uncertain of the spelling or a word
  • Read it aloud – We make more mistakes when we read aloud than when we read by sight alone. We're sure when we read aloud
  • We read it backwards – A fresh perspective helps us to find new mistakes. Begin with the last sentence and work your way to the beginning
  • Fresh eyes – When the second pair of eyes reads something entirely new, it's amazing what they find!
  • use a different font. Print it – And use a different font. We see mistakes we didn't see the first few times when it is printed on paper, and we find them again when it is printed on paper

How to be #nationalproofreadingday.

  • Share your proofreading tips and tricks.
  • Proofreading is a skill that can be taught
  • Challenge yourself to constructive criticism
  • This is the holiday to let others's mistakes be dismissed if you usually notice other people's mistakes
  • Always proofread anything you write and use #NationalProofreadingDay to post on social media. Be sure to proofread everything you write and use #NationalProofreadingDay to post on social media

National proofreading day is the longest in national proofreading day history

National Proofreading Day was introduced by Corporate Trainer Judy Beaver on National Proofreading Day. She chose March 8th, her mother's birthday, to honor her mother and her love of correcting people.

Proofreading FAQ

Q. Is it wrong to correct someone's grammar?

A. If someone has asked you to proofread their work, they should expect you to correct their grammar. However, if someone gives you a kind letter, put down the red pen.

Q. Is it possible to work as a proofreader?

Yes, yes. Proofreaders can be hired by many companies and individuals to read manuscripts, websites, print material, advertisements, and others. Several companies and individuals also employ proofreaders to read manuscripts, websites, print media, and advertisements.