National Raspberry Bombe Day | August 11
Fri Aug 11th

National Raspberry Bombe Day

This delectable frozen dessert is on display at National Raspberry Bombe Day on August 11th. A raspberry bombe gives a stunning finish to any summer dish. Also delectable, the dessert will be the center of your meal and is delectable.


Rasberry raspberries are ripening throughout August. So this is the third raspberry holiday in the month. Who doesn't adore the sweet, juicy berry? And they're even better frozen into a delectable dessert.

Sherbet, heavy cream, heavy cream, sugar, chopped nuts, candied fruit, and a dash of rum are all typical bombes. Using a spherical mold, the dessert is layered and frozen overnight, and then frozen. The result creates a stunning centerpiece thanks to raspberries as the main ingredient.

Make more than one raspberry bombe because one raspberry bush will produce many hundred berries per year. That way you can celebrate two days in a row or share with a friend. While the raspberry bombe is already an eye-catching dessert, make sure you add some rose petals to the finished product. Why? Why? They'll be a conversation starter. The raspberries are in the rose family's genus Rubus.

How to celebrate national raspberry bombe day in the United States

In cookbooks and on the internet, you can find numerous recipes for these frozen treats. Since at least 1882, they've been available in a variety of flavors. After picking some fresh raspberries, make your own. Share the dish with your helpers.. We even have a recipe for you to enjoy!

Raspberry bombe recipe is included in the Raspberry bombe recipe.

On social media, use the hashtag #RaspberryBombeDay to post.

National raspberry bombe day is the longest in national raspberry bombe day history

We were unable to identify the source of this refreshing holiday, so we suggest exploring other fruity days on the calendar.

  • Raspberries and Cream Day is a fruit and cream day in the United States
  • Rhubarb Month
  • Blueberry Month
  • Fruit At Work Day

Raspberry FAQ

Q. When is raspberry season? From June to October, A. Raspberries are harvested from June to October. A. Raspberries are harvested from June to October. That puts National Raspberry Bombe Day smack dab in the middle of picking season.

Q. How many calories do raspberries have?

A. One cup of raspberries has 65 calories.

Is it possible to make a raspberry bombe using fresh or frozen raspberries?

A. Both! For best results, follow the recipe's instructions.