National Sanctity of Human Life Day - January 22
Sun Jan 22nd

National Sanctity Of Human Life Day

Every year, National Sanctity of Human Life Day highlights the importance of every human life on January 22nd. The United States Supreme Court's decision in 1973 Roe vs. Wade honors human life from the moment of conception and is commemorated on the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision.

The court ruled in 1973 that the United States Constitution guarantees a pregnant woman's right to have an abortion. Roe's appeal was a 7-2 decision.

Pro-life and pro-choice organizations advocated their positions leading up to and after the decision.

President Reagan placed limits on abortion in 1984. Multiple Supreme Court cases from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s have since fought Roe vs Wade. In addition,, states have taken action in the case Roe vs. Wade is ever overturned, whether writing rules that mimic Roe vs. Wade, or placing limits or restrictions on abortions.

How to celebrate #sanctityofhumanlifeday..

Many churches around the country host prayer vigils. They also have items for infants and new mothers to help them. Donate products such as formula, baby clothes, cribs, blankets, and toys can be used to promote these causes. Baby care classes, daycare, job preparation, and adoptions are among the many services offered by some organizations. To post on social media, use #SanctityOfLifeDay to tweet.

The sanctity of human life day tradition has a long tradition

President Ronald Reagan first declared National Sanctity of Human Life Day in 1984, the closest to January 22nd. On the 11th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade's decision, the first observance took place. Reagan predicted 15 million unborn children as a result of legal abortion in his proclamation.

President George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald J. Trump have all declared the day during their presidencies since 1984.