National Seafood Bisque Day | October19
Thu Oct 19th

National Seafood Bisque Day

Every year on October 19th, National Seafood Bisque Day serves up a hot, hearty dish for seafood enthusiasts... The day is dedicated to a delectable bowl of delectable soup made from the catch of the day's catch.


Seafood bisque is a smooth, creamy, and highly seasoned soup of French origin. It is a smooth, creamy, and rich soup. A strained broth of crustaceans is required in recipes. Try lobster, crab, shrimp, or crayfish. Use seafood such as lobster, crab, shrimp, or crayfish.

The name "Bisque" is most likely derived from Biscay, as in the Bay of Biscay.. The crustaceans, on the other hand, are certainly bis cuites, implying "twice-cooked." To begin, cooks must first sauteed the seafood lightly in their shells, simmered in wine or cognac, aromatic herbs, and finally strained.

This rich and filling soup pairs well with a crusty piece of bread. Serve it as the start of a larger meal or the meal itself. Try Gewurztraminer with your bisque if you like wine.

How to celebrate seafood bisque day on a swan day..

Try one of the following Seafood Bisque dishes to commemorate the day. Or share one of your own. Be sure to make it a true celebration by sharing with colleagues and family. As always, use the hashtag #SeafoodBisqueDay to post on social media.

Bisque FAQ

Q. What is the difference between a bisque and a cream soup?

A. The cream is added earlier in the cooking process in a bisque. The cream is finished with a cream soup. The amount of seasoning is also different between the two soups.

Is bisques only made with seafood? Q. Is bisques made with seafood?

A. No, but traditional bisques recipes only called for seafood as the primary ingredient. However, many different types of ingredients play in these savory soups today. For example, try chicken, potato, or corn bisques.

Are all bisques soup? Q. Is all bisques soup?

Yes, yes. Bisque is a type of soup similar to broth-based, cream-based soups, chowders, and soups.