Sat Jun 24th

National Take Back The Lunch Break Day

North American employees commemorate National Take Back the Lunch Break Day on June 24th each year to foster employee moral and productivity.


There's been an increasing trend to take less frequent and shorter lunch breaks, impacting employee morale and well-being. Only one out of three employees is engaged at work, according to Gallup, only one out of three employees is engaged at work. Because engagement influences employee, happiness, and job satisfaction, employees and employers across North America, employees and employers alike need to step up to the plate – the lunch plate that is!

According to a 2017 report by Tork, an Essity brand, employees who take lunch breaks are more likely to report being efficient at work and happy with their jobs. According to the survey, nearly 90 percent of employees think taking a lunch break is important when starting a new job. However, when they are on the job, the average lunch break is less than 30 minutes for more than half of North American employees – barely enough time to buy a meal, let alone enjoy it.

Tork created National Take Back the Lunch Break Day to help raise workplace morale, satisfaction, and productivity in North America.

How to celebrate #takebacklunch in the wake of #takebacklunch

Break the habit of skipping lunch or eating in front of a computer. Get away from your computer and enjoy some fresh air, a good lunch, and some social interaction. There are some ways to get away from lunch: there are several ways to help you avoid going to the supermarket. For lunch, there are several ways.

  • On your phone, set a reminder that you should have lunch.. Then take it
  • You should have a buddy who will eat lunch with you at lunch. For lunch, the children can go outside, to the break room, or somewhere else away from your desk
  • Pack a lunch that needs little preparation work. To do it, you'll need to step away from your desk or need some mixing up
  • Lunches with colleagues or relatives can be arranged for lunches. Invite an aunt or uncle to lunch at a park, or bring them to the daycare for lunch

On social media, use the hashtag #TakeBackLunch to highlight your lunch break experience...

  • Twitter: @torkusa
  • Facebook: @torkNA

National take back the lunch break day's history has dominated the lunch break day

In 2018, Tork created National Take Back the Lunch Break Day to combat the demise of the employee lunch break in today's 24/7 work environment. According to Tork's study, employees who take a lunch break score higher on a variety of engagement metrics, including job satisfaction and productivity. With more employees taking their lunch break, we can increase workplaces and employee moral, according to Tork Take Back the Lunch Break.