Teal Talk Day | September 23
Sat Sep 23rd

National Teal Talk Day

Let's talk. Every year, over 249,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer worldwide, and over 249,000 are diagnosed with ovarian cancer worldwide. So, gather your friends, wear teal for a day out together and talk for a day..


For lunch, join a group of coworkers.. Both men and women are welcome. They have mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters who are at risk of ovarian cancer. They should have the Teal Talk, too! Since no such test exists for ovarian cancer, awareness provides the best defense. The talk takes little time. During lunch, have a Teal Talk over lunch. Around 28 people will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in that time.

In the back yard, invite your closest friends, neighbors, and sisters for drinks. Wear your favorite teal and give the Teal Talk... Early detection increases survival rates by 90%, according to Let them know early detection increases survival rates by 90%. Make sure they know the signs and symptoms.

  • Persistent bloating
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Feeling fuller sooner

more signs at Ovarcome.org during your Teal Talk.org.org has more signs.

With your mom and her children, go for a walk.. Even a short walk will be long enough for a Teal Talk. Ask them about family history and encourage them to share it with their children and grandchildren.. Urge them to consult with their gynecologist to look at family history for inherited risk factors. According to the National Cancer Institute, families with a family history of ovarian or breast cancer have a 15-40% lifetime risk compared to the general population.

How to celebrate teal talk day....

Find out more information at www.ovarcome.org and have the Teal Talk with the people in your lives. www.ovarcome.org To post on social media, use the hashtag #TealTalkDay to post.

  • Describe the signs and symptoms. Don't hesitate to see a doctor if you have any of the signs don't hesitate to see a doctor
  • Encourage the women in your household to keep their regular exams
  • Learn more about ovarian cancer
  • Support groups are researching drugs, a cure, and advanced screening techniques
  • Support those who have been diagnosed with the disorder
  • To help others, please share your experience

Shannon Miller, an ovarian cancer survivor and founder of Ovarcome, and ovarian cancer survivor Shannon Miller all have some tips on how to get off #TealTalkDay in this short video.

All women diagnosed with ovarian cancer are also affected by Teal Talk Day on October 31.. Ovarcome encourages you to discuss ovarian cancer, particularly on September 23rd, but also every day. Any day is a good day to discuss ovarian cancer. For news, education, news, and Teal celebrations, Ovarcome is on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We can Ovarcome together, so we can Ovarcome!

History of teal talk day has a long tradition

Teal Talk Day was established by Ovarcome to raise the threat of ovarian cancer and to encourage people to discuss it. Be empowered. Ovarcome wants you to be on top of symptoms with no screening currently available. You can help save a life.

On February 23, 2012, Ovarcome was established. In 2017, Ovarcome began this national and international movement in honor of five years of service to the ovarian cancer community. Ovarian cancer is a Silent Disease, but Ovarcome encourages you to be proactive about it. In the absence of a screening test, education and education can help women and families cope with the condition. That knowledge and insight is available to you on Teal Talk Day.