October 19th is International Gin And Tonic, National Kentucky, National Seafood Bisque, World Pediatric Bone And Joint and more!

International Gin And Tonic Day

International Gin and Tonic Day, on October 19th, honors one of the world's most popular drinks. This basic cocktail takes just moments to make and is loved around the world.

National Kentucky Day

We began honoring each state in the order they were born in the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We feature a small portion of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. So much more to discover; we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more!

National Seafood Bisque Day

Every year on October 19th, National Seafood Bisque Day serves up a hot, hearty dish for seafood enthusiasts... The day is dedicated to a delectable bowl of delectable soup made from the catch of the day's catch.

World Pediatric Bone And Joint Day

The impact of musculoskeletal disorders in children is widely distributed on World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day on October 19th of each year. This day also known as World PB&J Day, this day also educates health care professionals and the public.