What are this weekend's celebrations?

National 311 Day

ergency services throughout the country on 311 is a resource for communities around the country to connect with their city and non-emergency services. The 311 system is the non-emergency number to call in several cities around the country for residents to report problems, find out about city services, and ask questions.

National Funeral Director And Mortician Recognition Day

On March 11th, the National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day reminds us to thank the professionals who consider every need during the most difficult time in our lives.

National Johnny Appleseed Day

## The national johnny appleseed day celebrations have a long tradition in the United States.

National Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day

On March 11th, a healthier version of the classic waffle will be featured on National Oatmeal Nut Waffles Day. A whole grain oats and chopped nuts mixed into a waffle dish is a delectable, healthy way to start your morning..

National Promposal Day

Each year, National Promposal Day, March 11th, inspires the ultimate question. Will you go to prom with me? says the young girl. High school students from around North America are preparing their unique invitation to the year's best friend.

National Worship Of Tools Day

The National Worship of Tools Day, March 11th, is on March 11th. This is a day to get out of the garage, the tool shed, the storage closet, or wherever you store your tools. You can clean them, reorganize them, make something new with them, make something new with them, or even go to the store and buy a new one.

World Plumbing Day

Every year on March 11th, World Plumbing Day highlights the critical role of plumbing in safeguarding public health..

National Baked Scallops Day

The scallop is a common delicacy and commemorates National Baked Scallops Day and a common delicacy.

National Girl Scout Day

National Girl Scout Day, March 12th, honors Girl Scouting's rich history and legacy in America each year as part of Girl Scout Week..

National Plant A Flower Day

just around the corner, and March 12th is the day to participate in National Plant a Flower Day. Each year, this day is dedicated to the planting of flowers and looking forward to the spring season. Many, young and old, have taken up flower gardening, and National Plant a Flower Day is a start to the new season each year.

National Working Moms Day

Every mom is a working mom. National Working Moms Day, on March 12th, honors the breadwinners and the breadmakers, the educators, and the role models, all of whom are regular, inspiring fixtures in our children's lives..