What is?

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - June 15
Thu Jun 15th

What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Every year on June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day warns others of elder abuse's prevalence and horrors.. It's also a day to inform the public about elder abuse and how to prevent it.

International Thalassaemia Day - May 8
Mon May 8th

What is International Thalassaemia Day

Every year on May 8th, International Thalassaemia Day honors thalassaemia patients who are no longer with us.. It's also a day to honor the patients who are still alive and striving for a higher quality of life.

National Power Rangers Day | August 28
Mon Aug 28th

What is National Power Rangers Day

It's Morphin' Time! It's Morphin' Time on August 28th! The original teenagers with attitude is officially recognized on National Power Rangers Day, which also celebrates all things Power Rangers.

Wed Nov 1st

What is National Author's Day

On National Author's Day, millions of people honor authors and the books they write on National Author's Day.

National Johnny Appleseed Day | September 26
Tue Sep 26th

What is National Johnny Appleseed Day

Apple (and pear) trees grow abundant in this region, and on National Johnny Appleseed Day, we celebrate the man who made apple (and pear) trees. We commemorate the day of his birth and honor his legendary wit, wisdom, and enduring tale on September 26th..

National Butter Day - November 17
Fri Nov 17th

What is National Butter Day

Using few ingredients makes a dish richer and more flavorful than butter. National Butter Day is on November 17th, and those who make it are given a pat on the back.

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day | June 7
Wed Jun 7th

What is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

All you need is chocolate ice cream to celebrate National Chocolate Ice Cream Day on June 7th. But who says you have to stop there? Make it from scratch or have it in a cone. Add sprinkles, syrup, or whipped cream to your dish.

National Leif Erickson Day | October 9
Mon Oct 9th

What is National Leif Erikson Day

A tour of a Norwegian heritage museum. Learn about Norse roots, their discovery, and more. You can also get into the story of this book discovery. We suggest Who was Leif Erikson by Nico Medina or Before Columbus: Elizabeth Cody Kimmel's Leif Erikson Expedition Who was Leif Erikson by Nico Medina or Before Columbus: Who was Leif Erikson by Nico Medina or Before Columbus: The Leif Erikson Expedition Share your Norse roots... If you're celebrating, use #LeifEriksonDay to post on social media.

National Ice Cream Cake Day | June 27
Tue Jun 27th

What is National Ice Cream Cake Day

Every year, the National Ice Cream Cake Day, on June 27th, brings two holiday favorites together under one delectable treat. An ice cream cake makes the most delectable dessert for about every occasion in the heat of summer.

World Samosa Day - September 5
Tue Sep 5th

What is World Samosa Day

Every year on September 5th, World Samosa Day honors this mood-lifting dish. It's also a day to try samosa for the first time or share it with a friend.

National Be an Angel Day | August 22
Tue Aug 22nd

What is National Be An Angel Day

National Be an Angel Day, August 22nd, encourages good deeds and kindness to others. We celebrate an angel on earth by helping those in need and inspiring others to kindness. We're an angel here on earth.

Thu Jan 5th

What is National Keto Day

With an eye on improving our health, National Keto Day approaches on January 5th. According to new studies, the high-fat, low-carb ketogenic, or keto diet has a number of health benefits.

Tue Apr 11th

What is National Eight Track Tape Day

National Eight Track Tape Day, April 11th, commemorates an era that has come and gone in a matter of fewer than 20 years. Nonetheless, it is a day to recall listening to great music from the sixties and seventies on eight-track tapes.

International Mother Language Day - February 21
Tue Feb 21st

What is International Mother Language Day

Every year, International Mother Language Day, February 21st, raises the bar for linguistic and cultural diversity. It's also a day to promote multilingualism.

Fri Feb 3rd

What is National Missing Persons Day

National Missing People Day, February 3rd, brings the nation's attention long enough to recognize a missing person...

National Kansas Day - March 15
Wed Mar 15th

What is National Kansas Day

We began honoring each state in the order they were born in the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We've chosen a small piece of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. There's so much more to discover, but we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

Wed May 24th

What is National Scavenger Hunt Day

On May 24th each year, we're sent out to find random things all in the name of good fun..

World Softball Day - June 13
Tue Jun 13th

What is World Softball Day

Every year on June 13th, World Softball Day celebrates this exciting team sport. In addition, the day aims to encourage future generations of girls and boys to be empowered by sport.

MAY DAY – May 1
Mon May 1st

What is May Day

May Day ushers in a traditional celebration of flowers and spring on May 1st. In several ancient calendars, May 1st marked the first day of summer. This was certainly a cause for celebration..

Euro Day - January 1st
Sun Jan 1st

What is Euro Day

Every year on January 1st, Euro Day commemorates the issuance of the European Union's monetary unit. The euro is the currency unit that is used to describe this monetary unit.