When is All American Pet Photo Day?

Tuesday July 11th

On July 11th, All American Pet Photo Day encourages pet owners to post their favorite pet photos on social media. Be sure to charge your camera and be able to snap adorable pictures of your pets.

All American Pet Photo Day | July 11


Click away to see whether they are the four-legged furry variety or the more serpentine species. Fishes and birds, pigs, and equine, canine and feline should all be in line for their favorite pose. Take a few snapshots of them together if they are friends. Every animal is included on All American Pet Photo Day.

It will take some time to get the perfect picture of your loyal friend. Some furry and not so furry friends are camera shy, like humans. Those furry and not so furry relatives are camera shy. A pocketful of treats helps ease them into the shot.. Exercise regularly before the photoshoot will take place if bribery doesn't work, but if it does, it will be useful. Another alternative is misdirection. Focus their attention on another angle outside of the camera's lens, and you may get the picture you want... If all else isn't working, wait until your sweet companion falls asleep and click away. When they're resting anyway, they're at their cutest.

Remember to keep your dog safe and comfortable. Don't let your dog be overheated or overanxious. A tense pet would not be able to get a good picture... Defer to your pet's temperament, toss out the costumes, and embrace the blurred selfie...