When is Autistic Pride Day?

Sunday June 18th

On June 18th, Autistic Pride Day raises awareness and celebrates people with autism's similarity and uniqueness. The most notable part of Autistic Pride Day is that it is led by people with autism who are demonstrating their ability to advocate for themselves.

Autistic Pride Day | June 18


Autistic Pride Day was established by Autistics in order to celebrate Autistic ways of being and to inspire Autistics around the world to meet together, embrace their Autistic identities, and amplify Autistic voices everywhere.

The bulk of what the general public hears about autism is inaccurate and is based on inaccurate stereotypes, media representations, and historically inaccurate descriptions and criteria of what Autism is and isn't.

The main point of Autistic Pride Day is about Human Rights and specifically the right to be ourselves on our own terms.. Autistics should feel confident stimming freely, interacting in own ways, and not being required to conform to neurotypical requirements should be able to comply with neurotypical requirements. Autistic ways of being are valid, and members of the Autistic community should never be seen as broken Neurotypicals.. We are different, not less. Because of the historical inaccuracies and misinformation out there, Autistics face stigma, mistrust, and persistent mistrust at school, work, and in our homes and communities all year long..