When is Bird Day?

Thursday May 4th

On several holidays in the United States, including Bird Day, we honor our feathered friends. Birds of all sorts are found throughout North America. The day honors birds of all sorts.

BIRD DAY – May 4


With over 2,000 species of birds in North America, birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike will appreciate the beauty and variety of these winged friends' offerings. They range from songbirds to waterfowl and domesticated birds, and they come in every shade of plumage and wingspan.

Migrating birds migrate to their summer nesting grounds in the spring. Learn to recognize birds by species in this new season for those new to birdwatching. Birds will migrate through backyards and stop for a rest, a bite to eat, and a drink if the right habitat is available, according to Enthusiasts. When first visitors land by their windows with binoculars and watch as new visitors arrive daily. Whether it's an oriole, a tree swallow, the ruby-throated hummingbird, or an American Finch, you'll want to ensure you've prepared food, natural habitat, and water sources for your guests.

However, birdists are excited about more than the passersby. It's the long-term residents and those of the greater outdoors who live... Robins gather their nesting wood or chickadees caring for their brood year after year. They wander through nature preserves looking for a glimpse of a contrasting thrush or a prairie warbler. If they do, they are often afforded with a privileged view of a bald eagle soaring above them.