When is Bodhi Day?

Friday December 8th

Every year on December 8th, Buddhists commemorated Siddhartha Gautama's discovery of enlightenment by meditation. Bodhi means awakening or enlightenment, according to the word Bodhi.

Bodhi Day - December 8

Siddhartha Gautama, Buddhism's founder, is commonly known as the Buddha. Siddhartha, once an Indian prince, converted his life of luxury for a much simpler one. Many believe Siddhartha learned how to relieve suffering and how to remove himself from it. Many believe Siddhartha began to sit under a Bodhi tree and meditate until he found the source of pain and how to free himself from it.

It took 49 days of unbroken meditation. Siddhartha became a Buddha after being enlightened and experiencing Nirvana, or "Awakened One." Boutput: Buddha's enlightenment has been the central tenant of the Buddhist faith for 2,500 years.

In Gaya, India, the Bodhi tree grows along the banks of the Falk River. Also located there is a Buddhist temple. Buddhists regard it as their most sacred site of pilgrimage.

How to celebrate #bodhiday