When is Brother's Day?

Wednesday May 24th

On May 24th, Brother's Day honors the brothers in our lives. We have one or two, they hold a special place in our hearts.



Many that don't have one, someone in their family's life is usually like a brother to them. Brothers from other mothers are discovered in a best friend, a brother-in-law, or a cousin... Even though we don't talk very often, they are the men in our lives we count on. "Watch this!" comes first followed by a few stitches, and we're sharing memories and challenges that often began with the word "Watch this!" and then a few stitches.

They are also able to step in when necessary while handling their own company. Brothers do that, because that's what brothers do.

Of course, they have been known to pull toads on your head or gum in your hair. They may have been too cool for you once too hot for you. Brothers come in many shapes and sizes, as do their families. On Brother's Day, wherever your family is, take the time to honor your brother.'