When is First Contact Day?

Wednesday April 5th

On April 5th, the First Contact Day honors a fictional date in the future when an alien species visits Earth and makes contact with Earthlings for the first time.

First Contact Day - April 5

Although the fictional date of 2063 is less than half a decade away, everyday people are considering the possibilities the further we explore space. Not only does the modern explorer keep our curiosity piqued, but the science fiction genre continues to pour out stories that thrill and inspire us..

The first meeting between humans and extraterrestrials is depicted in one of science fiction's most popular plots. Area 51 is surrounded by conspiracy theories, but a common one claims that the first contact was made there. UFOs also sparked concerns about the first contact.. The first documented sighting of a UFO occurred in 1639 and was captured by John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Although commemorating the first contact could mean many things, this commemoration focuses on one particular: the Vulcan/humankind meeting. That's correct. It's a "final frontier" kind of commemoration.

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