When is Global Love Day?

Monday May 1st

Love, according to them, is the universal power that binds us all. With such a positive result, it's only right to dedicate an entire day to all the love brings. Global Love Day is just that day.

Global Love Day - May 1

On May 1st, this annual celebration is held to remind humanity that anything can be achieved if we tune our minds to the frequency of unconditional love.

Unconditional love can be described as displaying passion without boundaries. No matter how others may offend us, unconditional love approaches every situation with forgiveness and understanding.

Love is a power so strong that it inspires the spirit of healing and transformation. We can turn the tides of something in the world that is less than love by attuneing to this frequency.

The overall message of Global Love Day is clear. The Love Foundation crafted a flyer with over 19 words that reads: