When is Global Pay It Forward Day?

Friday April 28th

Global Pay It Forward Day, which takes place every year on April 28th, encourages people around the world to partake in a small act of kindness. It's a day to respond to someone's kindness toward you by being kind to someone else.

Global Pay It Forward Day - April 28

Has someone ever done something nice for you when you least expected it? Possibly they gave you a small gift. Or they gave you a hug out of kindness. If someone extended kindness, it made you smile. There's a good chance that it made you smile. The act may have brought tears of joy. You may have shed tears of joy. This is what kindness does. And here's why the world needs more of it. When people are generous, it makes you want to be kind in return. her all of the time? Can you imagine if everyone in the world was kind to one another all of the time? Even if this seems impossible, please don't mean you can't try to be more generous to others.

Why not pay it forward if someone has recently done something nice for you? In return, do something kind for someone else. Here are some great tips for paying it forward if you're not sure how to pay it forward.